Spring in the Garden

Spring in the Garden

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Fox 'attack'

I was eating breakfast this morning when I saw a fox come through the hedge and go straight to the hen coop. The chickens were safe inside, but they ran around frantically flapping, feathers flying everywhere. Of course I ran out shouting at the fox, and it looked for an exit, couldn't find one and jumped over the netting fence around the coop and up the garden. Our chickens remained nervous for some while afterwards.

We now realise this must have been what happened last Wednesday. No one had checked on the chooks all day, and when I went to have a look at them in the evening there were a lot of feathers in one corner and others scattered inside the run. I thought some feather pecking or other aggressive behaviour had taken place, which did seem out of character, but we thought they must have been bored or hungry. Now it is clear that Mr Fox (or his mate) must have shown an interest in them and put them in a blind panic.

This evening I saw the fox again, coming down the top of the garden, so I went out to scare him away.

We're wondering if we might need to invest in some electric fencing as that is meant to keep foxes out very well, although if he's around the edge of that the chickens might still panic.


  1. I've got electric netting and can confirm it works a treat. I've seen a fox go up to it and promptly run away, and one has been heard screeching in shock in the night. Yes, it's expensive, but it's worth it, in my opinion.

  2. Thanks for that BMS. We hope it won't come to that, but it's good to know there is a solution if the fox becomes a regular daytime visitor. We're certainly being more careful about leaving the chickens out of their run when we pop into the house.

  3. Oh crikey Karin, every chicken keepers nightmare this is. I dont have electric fencing so cannot comment on it but I would imagine this would be a great move now that you have seen a fox in daytime.

  4. We are waiting to see if this is likely to become a regular occurrence as it won't be cheap. However, my initial research suggested it would cost at least £300, but I think I have now found somewhere just as reputable where we can get it for half that price for a 25 metre length, which makes it more realistic.


I look forward to reading your comments, it's always good to hear encouraging words or relevant hints and tips.