Spring in the Garden

Spring in the Garden

Thursday 24 February 2011

Adding a Splash of Spring Colour

What a lovely day it was today;  quite Spring-like.  I had a thin jumper on, but didn't need a coat.  The birds were singing and calling out to each other and for a while I was serenaded by a dunnock. He was quite close, but annoyingly I didn't have my camera to hand.


I did some pruning, especially of our rambling roses, which had got quite out of hand due to neglect.  I think they should have been pruned in the summer after flowering, but we never seem to get round to it then.   Now we can get to the back of the pond and plant a few things there, which I'm hoping to do as it's rather bare at present.  I'm even contemplating a frog/toad (no wish to discriminate) house.

I also managed to plant a couple of snowdrops and a couple of cyclamens to add a bit of colour to the flower bed we look out on at mealtimes.

 The bed on the other side of the path has colour, but needs a good tidy up.


  1. It is so annoying not to have a camera when one is really needed. There is often a greater spotted woodpecker on the nuts where I work. Haven't been able to catch him yet. But I will!

    And I do like a dunnock. But then who wouldn't?

  2. We had a greater spotted woodpecker on a feeder on Sunday, and the bullfinch was back. I've seen him a couple of times since, and today I'm fairly sure I saw a greenfinch on the niger seed, but also saw a fleeting white rump of a bird I have yet to identify. Even if I had had my camera handy, they were all too far up the garden for a decent photo.

  3. There you are! I have updated my rather neglected blog roll of late ...

    Lovely dunnock - how considerate of him to serende you.



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